Seminar: Computational Imaging

Administrative information

Seminar course for Bachelor students (IN0014) and Master students (IN2107).


The seminar is open to all students of Informatics, Mathematics, and Physics.
The number of participants is limited to 20.

Registration is now closed.

Course overview

Computational Imaging is a very active field in the recent years. In this seminar, we will investigate the state-of-the-art in imaging methods, such as optical light-field or X-ray imaging, and the associated computational methods.

Each student will focus on a scientific publication (e.g. a journal paper), and prepare an oral presentation unit of 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion), outlining and explaining the methods and results of this publication. Active involvement of the audience (the other course participants) is very much encouraged. Finally, a written one-page summary on the topic will serve as future reference for the participants of the course.

The seminar will take place in two block session before the start of the lecture period of the winter term 2020/21. Attendance in both block sessions is mandatory.

Course materials

All course materials are available via the TUM Wiki.